Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Cruz Plaza

This project of reconstruction and creating the Cruz plaza will transform the appearance of the central part of Mercer's Macon campus from the University Center to the historic Quad and from Greek Village past Tarver Library. The plaza will include new seating and gathering areas, a prominent water feature and major landscaping improvements. It will incorporate major new gateways to the interior of campus around Tarver Library, the University Center and Connell Student Center, incorporating the current Porter Patch and W.G. Lee Park.

Construction is still in progress and the plaza is expected to be finished by Aug. 2013. During all of this construction, classes are still taking place and students are still living on campus. This area of campus is still being used, so workers must consider the safety of the students, faculty and others using this area and make the necessary adjustments to ensure safety for all of those on Mercer's campus. They also must consider the resources that are being used such as water and gas and how it may affect the other buildings around them. Erosion should be considered as well for long term purposes. Construction plans should be altered to avoid erosion so that the plaza can last for as long as possible without any complications. 

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